It occured to me the other day as I read a science article discussing the possible existence of dark matter and the merits of string theory that science has nothing on theology. Anyone who finds string theory invigorating would no doubt enjoy a lengthy discussion on Middle Knowledge, aka Molinism, and if you want to wonder about dark matter, try wrapping your mind around creation ex nihilo.
Yet, it never ceases to amaze me at how lightly the average evangelical takes theology. I would hazard to guess that the average church member has no idea what goes on in the average seminary, nor would they realize that it takes 96 semester hours after graduating college to receive a Master of Divinity. That's nearly another Bachelor's Degree. The majority of those hours are spent wading through Greek, Hebrew, Biblical exposition, and of course, Systematic Theology. That's not even touching upon Church History, the History of Christian Thought, Practical Pastoral classes, classes in evangelism, and classes on counseling. And though it does not count for credit, this does not count the nigh endless hours spent by would-be pastors and missionaries in local coffee shops debating the things that professors are teaching.
Theology is not easy, and why would we expect it to be? Theology, in essence, is the study of God. Good theology is the study of God through the lens of Scripture in order to lift our souls in worship in spirit and truth. We come at this study with many, many disadvantages. For one, we come to this endeavor with a soul that is blinded so thoroughly with sin that it would not know God if he slapped it in the face. Indeed, nothing short of total spiritual resurrection can even begin to open the eyes to the truth of God. Even after this rebirth, the soul must grapple with all sorts of besetting vestiges of sin that keep it from understanding and practicing truth. There is not one Biblical truth that the fallen flesh does not rage against. If a man ever comes to know one truth about God, it is only due to the fact that the Spirit of God has so victoriously assailed the citadel of pride that resistance has become futile and surrender is the only option.
Think of this: God is Trinity. This is one of the most basic concepts of Christianity. The Father is God. The Son is God. The Holy Spirit is God. Yet the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Father, and the Holy Spirit is not the Son or the Father either. They are three is persons and one in essence. We will never, ever get to the bottom of this mystery. We can only glimpse it. The reason we cannot understand how the Trinity can be or what God looks like is because there is nothing in the creation to compare Him to. He is utterly and eternally and infinitely unique.
The Trinity is enough mystery to keep us occupied in worship for eternity, yet it is not the only mystery revealed in Scripture. We also know that Jesus, the eternal Son of God, became fully man. How did the inifinite take on the finite? How does the Son of God die? Can God die? Is there a God part in Jesus and a man part? (No. They are one.) The two natures of Jesus exist in a hypostatic union. As if that explains the mystery!
In my own congregation, the great and glorious mysteries of God's election and predestination are currently matters of some discussion. This not only explains my lack of posting, but it also explains the last couple of posts. We know that God has said, "I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end form the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose'" (Isaiah 46:9-10). There is nothing that occurs that God has not sovereignly guided. Not one sparrow has dropped to the ground, not one cancer cell has formed, not one soul has been saved or damned that God did not declare its destiny.
Yet we teach and proclaim that human responsibility is real and that we are not robots. Every name that was not written in the Lamb's book of life from the foundation of the world will find its doom in the Lake of Fire. Yet, every soul so doomed will know that it was their fault and not God's that they abide there. How shall we reconcile God's sovereign declaration to elect some from every tongue and tribe and nation with every person's responsibility to repent and believe? I can try, and I have some ideas. But ultimately, many of the answers safely rest in the mystery of God, and I am content to leave some of them there. Concerning this John Calvin wrote:
Human curiosity renders the discussion of predestination, already somewhat difficult of itself, very confusing and even dangerous. No restraints can hold it back form wandering in forbidden bypaths and thrusting upward to the heights. If allowed, it will leave no secret to God that it will not search out and unravel...let them remember that when they inquire into predestination they are penetrating the sacred precincts of divine wisdom. If anyone with carefree assurance breaks into this place, he will not succeed in satisfying his curiosity and he will enter a labyrinth from which he can find no exit. You can find the quote in Book 3, Chapter 21, Section 1 of Calvin's Institutes.
I, for one, have no patience with a mystery-less Christianity. I love the mysteries of God, and it is my charge as a pastor to guard them. "This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy" (1 Cor. 4:1-2). That means I do not monkey with mystery to make it more understandable if the truth proves difficult. God's mysteries are not the sort of mysteries that leave one confused. They are sort of like a venture to the edge of the Grand Canyon. The vastness of the place that you trod will make you dizzy, and putting your toe to the edge of reason will nearly overwhelm you, as if the awesomeness of the place will pull you over the edge. Yet, to the edge we are beckoned. From there, with feet firmly planted, we will have the best view.
I agree, with much fear and trembling, with this statement of the 2nd London Baptist Confession:
By the decree of God, for the manifestation of his glory, some men and angels are predstinated or foreordained to eternal life through Jesus Christ, to the praise of His glorious grace. Others are left to act in their sin to their just condemnation, to the praise of His glorious justice. I wonder when Baptists stopped speaking like this? I wonder why we thought it wise to act like such doctrine could not be found in Scripture? I wonder when we decided to sell our doctrinal souls for a mess of pragmatic number counting and shallow humanism that has led to sermons with titles like, "Five Ways to Relieve Stress and be More Successful"?
Theology cannot be easy, not when our flesh groans so violently against the rule of the God we study. Every truth about God is repulsive to the natural man or it is misunderstood. Don't go into theology lightly, beloved. If you want something you can figure out, go study physics.
Covered in Writing
12 years ago
We have, as baptists, strayed from teaching sound doctrine and moved towards pragmatism. Those that believe that "doctrine divides" are those that will not take a stand for fear of losing church members. Wouldn't it benefit a local church to grapple with the difficult doctrines, preach them unashamedly, thereby making it clear what the church believes and doesn't believe? It may lose church members in the process, but your church will be strengthened in their faith. In our efforts to get more people into the church, we have become vague on doctrines that are essential to the faith.
I am not going to enter into the predestination debate. Plenty before me have done this. It serves no good purpose at all.
I am surprised at your comments regarding doctrine and theology. You make it sound as though they be dry and tiresome. And yet, my sould thrilled when you wrote of the trinity. I find doctrine and theology thrilling, exciting even. To see Christ leap from the very pages of scripture!
Does one need to go to a seminary to study our Blessed Lord? I have been at it for 30+ years and have barely scratched the surface.
Enough, I will be here all night.
Beware of arrogance. You make it sound like only those who have been to seminary can understand God's Word. The rest of us should tip-toe around the edge of the pool and be happy with the morsels of bread that drop from your table.
I don't think you believe that way. But that's the way it sounds.
I did not mean to convey that theology is dry. By no means! I, too, enjoyed writing, and enjoy writing about the great and mysterious things of God.
2nd Anonymous,
You are right to say that I do not believe that someone must go to seminary to understand God's Word. However, God has ordained teachers for the church in order that we might learn. He never meant for individuals to go without instruction, and He ordained that men should even make their living from the teaching of God's Word so that they might be totally devoted to it precisely because it isn't easy work. That was the entire point of the post.
As for the admonition to beware of arrogance, I appreciate it. All should take heed to such warning. The other point of the post was that, since God is transcendent and mysterious above our knowledge, the study of theology should provoke humility. And yes, seminary helps. And there is a reason that churches have pastors.
You are exactly right about the ordination of men to preach and teach God's Word. And I whole-heartedly agree that pastors should be full-time and devoted to that work. I also believe that because of this high calling, they should have certain authority in the church that is a foreign concept to most SBC's.
However, I believe that laymen can study God's Word and gain understanding of deep theological matters (far more complex than physics, but yet miraculously simple) as well. With that said, and as is the case with me, I believe laymen reach a point where God leads them to formal study to further their understanding...therefore, Bible colleges (or seminaries if you will) become part of the process.
My main concern was the general feeling I got the first time reading through your post. Knowing you personally, I know that you're not an arrogant man. And I don't want others to get that impression.
I am "2nd anonymous" no more.
I love you in Christ, and I'm praying for you.
-- Steven C.
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