Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ice, Ice, Baby?

All I can say to this is...wow. Can you believe that people spend time doing this sort of thing?


Mike Perrigoue said...

Good grief...

Jim said...

I think those 'scientists' need to spend a few weeks up north to appreciate the cold.

Neil said...

Here is the author's comment:
"If you ask me if I believe someone walked on water, no, I don't," Nof said. "Maybe somebody walked on the ice, I don't know. I believe that something natural was there that explains it."

That does explain it. His belief requires him to work really hard to come up with an alternative explanation. Or he's just an obscure researcher who had to think of some sensational link to get his research noticed.

Jeremy Weaver said...

Buggy's right. Here's someone who either believes that the Bible is a credible source of history, and then tries to disprove it, or, here's someone researching some asinine theory who needs media attention...and Jesus can get it for him.